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Mrs. Vogt & Italy
Brynn Radak (BR): Where did you study abroad? And for how long?
Emily Vogt (EV): Florence, Italy in the summer of 2006 for 2 months.
BR: How old were you when you studied abroad?
EV: 23 years old
BR: Why did you decide to study abroad?
EV: My best friend had spent the previous year studying abroad in New Zealand and after hearing about her experience I wanted so badly to go abroad.
BR: Did you live on your own or with a family?
EV: I lived in a one bedroom, one bathroom apartment with a roommate. I knew my roommate from community college; however, by this time we were just acquaintances. We ended up disliking one another by the end of the trip.
BR: What was your favorite experience while studying abroad?
EV: Traveling from country to country, seeing the architecture, living the culture, eating amazing food, socializing with the locals and making life long friends with those that I studied with are just among a few of my favorite things.
BR: What were the downsides of studying abroad?
EV: My roommate! Although the experience was nothing that I would ever change, but it was very expensive!
BR: Would you recommend studying abroad to your students. If so, why?
EV: Yes!! Best time of my life!! We are so sheltered here in America and need to experience other cultures!