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Candidtate Cheat Sheets
October 29, 2016
To prepare for the upcoming election, view the cheat sheet of each candidate’s policies. All information was taken directly from and
Clinton Cheat Sheet
- Tax Plans: “Restore basic fairness to our tax code.” Implementing a “fair share surcharge” on multi-millionaires and billionaires will ensure the wealthiest Americans do not pay a lower tax. “Close corporate and Wall Street tax loopholes and invest in America.” This will charge businesses an “exit tax” to the companies leaving the United States seeking to settle in untaxed foreign earnings. She will also close the loopholes that Wall Street money managers have found to pay lower tax rates than the U.S. middle class.
- Gun Control: Clinton stated, “I believe that weapons of war have no place on our streets. If the FBI is watching you for suspected terrorist links, you shouldn’t be able to just go buy a gun with no questions asked. You shouldn’t be able to exploit loopholes and evade criminal background checks by buying online or at a gun show.” Clinton wants to “keep guns out of the hands of domestic abusers, other violent criminals, and the severely mentally ill.”
- Immigration: Introduce comprehensive immigration reform. Clinton will introduce comprehensive immigration reform with a pathway to full and equal citizenship within her first 100 days in office. Immigration enforcement must be humane, targeted, and effective. She will focus resources on detaining and deporting those individuals who pose a violent threat to public safety, and ensure refugees who seek asylum in the U.S. have a fair chance to tell their stories.
- Health Care: She only wants to build on all of what Barack Obama has done by making the prices of health care more affordable. Clinton wants to bring down the cost of copays and deductibles. She also wants to expand access to affordable health care to families regardless of immigration status. Clinton wants work to ensure that all women have access to preventive care, affordable contraception, and safe and legal abortion.
- Education: Clinton is looking to have preschoolers start at the age of four. She wants to keep working on and bettering the new idea of Common Core in education. She wants to allow every student in America to learn computer science for she believes that will be the highest demanding job in a few years. She believes that education after K-12 should be more affordable to the general public of the United States, including debt-free college.
Visit for more specifics on these policies and others.
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Trump Cheat Sheet
- Tax Plans: Trump wants to reduce taxes across the board, especially for the middle-income America who will receive a large tax reduction. Also wants to ensure that the rich pay their fair share, but nobody will pay an obscured amount of taxes (not specified of what percent of income). Also, he would like to eliminate loopholes, in his case special interest loopholes.
- Gun Control: Trump believes that we should, defend the rule of law and the Constitution of the United States and that nobody is above the law. Also need to protect our constitutional liberties that anyone has the right to bear arms. As well as believing that we need to get serious about prosecuting violent criminals. Trump wants to protect and defend the bill of rights, including the freedom of religion, speech, press and right to bear arms.
- Immigration: Donald wants to prioritize the jobs and wages of the American citizens. He also believes that the United States of America should only allow immigrants based on their likelihood of success in the U.S. and their ability to be financially self-sufficient. He wants to
- Vet applicants to ensure they support America’s values, institutions and people, and temporarily suspend immigration from regions that export terrorism and where safe vetting cannot presently be ensured.
- Healthcare: Trump is looking to repeal the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) and replace it with Health Savings Accounts (HSAs). He would like to work with Congress to create a patient-centered health care system that promotes choice, quality, and affordability. Trump would allow people to purchase insurance across state lines, in all 50 states, creating a dynamic market. Lastly, he would like to maximize flexibility for states via block grants so that local leaders can design innovative Medicaid programs that will better serve their low-income citizens.
- Education: Trump would is looking to establish the national goal of providing school choice to every one of the 11 million school aged children living in poverty. As well as work with Congress on reforms to ensure universities are making a good faith effort to reduce the cost of college and student debt in exchange for the federal tax breaks and tax dollars. Trumps wants to ensure that the opportunity to attend a two or four-year college, or to pursue a trade or a skill set through vocational and technical education, will be easier to access, pay for, and finish.
Visit for more specifics on these policies and others.
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