If you are planning a trip to visit the Hawaiian island of Oahu, which is home to the campus of the University of Hawaii at Mãnoa, here is a guide to having a fun time on your visit. First off you have to know about the island. It is the island with the most city life, it’s kind of like a mini San Diego that is on an island, but that is just the south side of the island. The northern side of the island is more of a tropical and local experience, with a lot more beaches and small shops.
If you are visiting Hawaii to look at the campus of UH, I strongly recommend scheduling a tour. The tours are led by students of the university so they tell you about their experiences and give you some tips and tricks about the school. They show you all around the campus and what all of the different buildings are. As well as you get to go into one of the dorm buildings and see what a dorm room looks like.
While on your trip, no matter where you go on the island, you will almost always find good food. A restaurant I visited was a place called Duke’s in the city of Waikiki on the south side of the island. It was more of a fancy restaurant on the inside while also having a more laid back area on the outside that was right on the beach. The food was great as well as they had live music being played outside. Another restaurant I went to in Waikiki was called Eggs ‘n Things and it was more of a small breakfast restaurant with really good food. I also visited a town called North Shore on the north side of the island, and there they had an area with a bunch of food trucks where I got an amazing poke bowl with Spicy Tuna and Avocado. Again, there is great food all over the island.
Another experience I recommend would be is go to a couple different beaches. They are all so nice, the water is amazing and not very cold. I also recommend going snorkeling, whether that is on a chartered tour or just going at the beach. There is tons of sea life all around the island including many different types of fish, and if you get lucky you may see a turtle or two.
Visiting Oahu?
March 22, 2024