Why surfing after rain can be dangerous
Rain is widespread on the West Coast during the wintertime. California has already gotten more than 13 inches of rain in the new year. This rain has caused flooding mudslides and trash to wash up on our beautiful beaches. Every surfer knows that surfing after rain can result in being sick, but most people don’t realize why. When it rains trash that had built up alongside riverbeds and harbors is washed into the ocean. With the trash comes bacteria, the water becomes brown and often has a bubbly layer on top of it. The bacteria commonly found are E coli, amoeba, protozoa, and other pathogens. Many surfers are victims of the bacteria because it is often hard to resist staying out of the water. After all, commonly after a storm passes the conditions are ideal. The wind dies down and the waves will stay glassy throughout the whole day. However, if you are desperate enough to go surf you must deal with the consequences. This bacteria often causes headaches, body aches, chills, and a nasty cough. You may go surfing for 2 hours but end up in bed for several days. Officials advise beachgoers to stay out of the water for at least 72 hours after the last rain drop but the longer you wait the safer you will be. Although the water is clean after a couple of days the trash and debris will remain on the beaches for several days and even weeks after the rainstorm. This trash will sit there until picked up or could even wash back into the ocean causing all sorts of problems. Trash that returns to the ocean can injure or even kill marine life and will drive fish away which affects fishermen and other maritime industries. If you want to help keep our coastal communities clean keep your trash in trash cans and do your best to recycle all plastics. Little things go a long way when it comes to keeping our earth clean.