Alexandrya Cloonan’s artwork is about the story of her dad’s immigration to America. When she talked to her dad about his experience in America, she was “expecting a great story”, but all he wanted to talk about was how great the milk was.

Kamryn Stiffler’ artwork is about grieving innocence and an unadulterated mind. The girl in the picture is meant to portray her at the age of four, standing in front of her neighborhood. The painting is intended to evoke emotional grief about your past.
Natalie Miller’s artwork is about the idea of perfection. While one vase appears clean and put together on the outside, the other vase is broken. However, both pieces are beautiful as they are both forms of art. Natalie was inspired by her portfolio, which is about the media.
Hannah Yee’s artwork depicts a family reunion. Her family took a trip to Indonesia, and her stepsister had a baby. It was a beautiful experience as it was her first time seeing him. They all gathered around “laughing and smiling,” said Yee. The inspiration for her painting was her portfolio, as her theme is family and coming full circle with nostalgia.
Maddy Tomlin’s artwork, “Lost You in the Nick of Time,” depicts two people barely disconnecting before midnight. The connection between the two of them breaks because time is just about to run out. Her inspiration is her portfolio’s theme of time’s value.
Amanda Hernandez’s artwork-in-progress is about how everyone has their own unique stories that appear unknown to others. These stories are what make up someone’s identity and values. Amanda was inspired to create this piece for the Reflections contest.
Aren Kurniawan’s artwork is about accepting imperfections and improving them. His inspiration was the art of “Kintsugi”, which is a Japanese art form where broken pottery is repaired.