In high school, most teenagers struggle to manage and balance sports and their school/social life, but Olivia makes this look like nothing. A freshman at Esperanza High School, she is a freshman basketball player and a full-time honor roll student. This month, we decided to ask her a few questions to learn more about her and how she manages everything she does.
Olivia has been playing basketball for about 3 years and enjoys it as something extra and fun. She dreams of working in the medical field when she’s older and is a part of the Esperanza Medical Science Program while keeping straight A’s and staying on the honor roll. Outside of high school and basketball, she loves to be artsy and hang out with her friends. She also loves doing her hair, makeup, and even her own nails. She also loves to make custom hoodies in her free time as well.
Having to balance school and her personal life is not easy, but Olivia knows how to make this easier on herself. ¨I like to give myself at least 30 minutes of my own time once I get home to do anything for myself, then I give myself about 2 hours to do homework and any other school work, after I eat dinner and get all ready for bed but still have time to do anything else I would like to without having to stress about school for the rest of the night,¨ she explained.
In conclusion, with all of her time and dedication on and off the campus and on the basketball court, Olivia is sure and determined to succeed in life. She prays to be a successful woman and do what she loves when she graduates high school. When we asked her what motivates her the best, she stated, ¨Knowing that all my hard work isn’t just for nothing, but for me to be able to succeed in life,¨