Coffee can be good for health in some cases, but coffee isn’t for everyone. As it may help others, it may also do harm to others. Some health benefits it can offer are lowering the risk of type 2 diabetes, help lose weight, heart disease, liver and endometrial cancers, and Parkinson’s disease, according to this article. “The smell of fresh made coffee is one of the world’s greatest inventions” – Hugh Jackman.
Coffee contains a number of useful nutrients including riboflavin (vitamin B2, niacin (vitamin B3), magnesium, potassium, and various phenolic compounds. “Out culture runs on coffee and gasoline, the first often tasting like the second.” – Edward Abbey
Different aspects of the way you prepare your coffee affect the taste and the compounds within. But it’s not clear at all how these different levels of compounds may be related to health
Coffee can be good for some people but not all. Some cannot start their day without it while others do just fine. “You can’t buy happiness, but you can buy coffee, and that’s pretty close” –