Are you having trouble finding a college that fits you? There are colleges and universities around the world that you can fit best into. Although, it all starts after high school whether you want to stay local or go out of state.
If you are a kid who wants to stay local in California, the recommended universities are Stanford University, University Of Southern California, Pomona College,Chapman University, California Institute of Technology and many more. All of the universities listed all have a 95% Graduation. These are all great schools with great recognition, yet, if these colleges are too expensive which will lead to unwanted debt, it’s best to go to a local community college. If you are a student from the PYLUSD district, the best community college near you would be Fullerton College, Cypress College, Santa Ana College, etc. More students tend to go towards this path since it is more ideal and cheap.
Out Of State:
If you are a kid looking to go out of state, U.S news has a list of universities recommended which are University Of Michigan, Oregon University, University Of Las Vegas, Duke University and so much more. With a graduation rate of 90%, it is hard to get accepted to these universities since these universities have more demands for a student.
Whether you choose to go to a community college or university in or out of state, it is important to get an education since once you go look for a job, your resume will look great for those who are willing to hire you. Even though there are people who state that “I don’t need an education, I can work and still get paid lots of money” in my personal belief, I agree that you can work without an education, although, with a degree, you can get paid more than the original pay.