‘13 Reasons Why’ The Show That Is Only For Certain Teens

More stories from Amelia Johnson

Kayla McKenzie, freshman
December 20, 2017
Image Obtained from Google Commons

Image Obtained from Google Commons

Before you read, a disclaimer. “13 Reasons Why” is a show about depression, suicide and rape, this article will be lightly touching those subjects. If you have a trigger to any of those topics or similar topics, your discretion is advised.

Wow, that’s one of the only things that I can say for this show. Now, don’t get me wrong, by itself it is a pretty decent show. But, this show isn’t for everyone, and only people that feel confident in their ability to process these moments should watch.

The topic of depression and suicide itself, is very touchy and not easily portrayed. The show also over dramatizes, and shows false ideas of what happens to the world if someone died by suicide. Such as the main male lead, Clay Jenson, going around distributing “justice” to those that wronged Hannah Baker, the girl who died. That’s just untrue, and the “delivering of justice” would or should only be done by the authorities.

Not only that, the show is very close to breaking media laws about showing suicide, as they show the method and location numerous times throughout the first season. That alone can make people have triggers. Then the show portrays excessive drug use and rape, and the show prolongs the moments, when it is unneeded.

In the end, only teens that are in a good mental state, and able to see the difference between dramatization and real life, is who this show is appropriate for.

If you or anyone that you know is suffering from depression or suicidal thoughts, please look at the sites at the end of this article, and talk to someone.


