JROTC Veterans’ Day
JROTC cadets senior Miles Duran, senior Logan Griffin, junior Juan Marquez Estrella and freshman Ethan Kadera at Veterans Park on Nov. 11.
AFJROTC participated in Veterans’ Day ceremonies on Nov. 9 at El Dorado High School and Nov. 11 at Veterans Park as a way to honor those who served.
The event at El Dorado High School took place during the school day. The cadets stood on the walkway towards the garden where the ceremony was held. Colorguard led the veterans who were speaking to the center.
Cadets were present in uniform at Veterans Park on Nov. 11 in an “honor formation behind the speakers,” explained MSgt. McDonough.
McDonough said that some cadets do not have a direct relation to veterans. Because of the ceremonies and meeting with veterans, “they can understand their contribution,” he said.
Corps commander Lt. Col. Jason Skendrovich described his particiaption at the Fallen Heroes ceremony as a “sense of patriotism rolling over me.”
Skendrovich explained that being involved in the ceremony is a lot different that being an audience member watching. “It was an honor to be up on stage there and to honor the fallen veterans and their families.”
McDonough explained how not seeing the military everyday in public can make people overlook their help and support.“It adds to society as a larger role,” said McDonough, “Hopefully the cadets can connect with the veterans in their community. They can have stimulating conversations with the cadets presence.”
“My family has been in the military since the revolutionary war. Before entering the military, it was family oriented for me,” said McDonough. “After joining, it was thinking about those who have left the service or retired. To show appreciation for their service and what they have done is important.”
The cadets involved with the ceremonies were able to gain a sense of pride while being in the presence of veterans. “I was able to take into account the sacrifices that veterans today and the past have put forward,” said Skendrovich.