The Pulse of Esperanza High School

The Aztlán

The Pulse of Esperanza High School

The Aztlán

The Pulse of Esperanza High School

The Aztlán

The music industry isn’t the same

The internet has revolutionized the music industry and destroyed record companies.​

 With more and more advances of the internet, musicians are able to get their music out there but the record companies are paying the price

Certain music listening services like Soundcloud have broadcast and put up music for access and free causing the record companies to miss out on artists.

Since its inception, the internet has had a profound impact on how music is made, distributed, marketed, and consumed. It has given musicians, and music-related businesses access to new ways of making money, reaching larger audiences, and gaining greater visibility” (

 The internet has brought more access to musicians which is good so more people can be introduced to even more genres and groups. But with the internet doing this with certain artists the record companies are missing out so they are losing money making chances that will affect their company and records for the future.

The internet has caused many retail music stores to close down. In the early 2000s, music fans would flock to stores such as Tower Records to buy CDs or vinyl records. However, with the rise of digital music, these stores are no longer necessary and have been closing down around the world.” (

Though music is good, any major physical copy of music has started to die out soon and the record stores have been closing down with only a few remaining. In general, CDs, cassette tapes, and records have all been going away slowly with less demand and revenue being asked and in demand. 

 “Streaming services such as Spotify and Apple Music pay out very low royalties and have made it difficult for musicians to make a living from their music. This has caused many independent and emerging musicians to struggle financially, as they cannot make enough money from streaming services. This has been a major issue for the music industry.” (

The internet has had a tremendous impact on the music industry and has completely transformed the way we enjoy music. While the overall impact has been positive, many issues still need to be addressed, such as piracy and low revenues for musicians. As the internet continues to evolve, the music industry needs to continue to adapt and ensure that musicians are fairly compensated for their work. By doing so, we can ensure that the music industry remains a viable and vibrant segment for many years to come.

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