The Best of Netflix: Scary Movies

Noah Clay

More stories from Noah Clay


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To round out the Halloween spirit at the end of October, one viable opportunity would be hosting a movie night, filled with a myriad of horror movies both old and new. However, one also can only watch so many in one night, so these are the highlights of horror movies available on Netflix.

Starting out is Wes Craven’s Scream, a veritable classic as horror movies go. A regular slasher movie, the film focuses on a masked murderer targeting several high school students. Many sequels and even a TV show have been created in its wake, but you can’t go wrong with the original.

(Note: from a personal standpoint, I have seen the TV show, and I also recommend that. It’s on Netflix as well, so it would also work for a horror night.)

Insidious does well too, following a helpless couple terrified by their son’s sudden possession. It’s no Exorcist, but the main reason it’s on this list is that it’s specifically aimed for group events. (Read as: don’t watch this movie alone.)

For Daniel Radcliffe fans, The Woman in Black is another prime example. Solicitor Arthur Kipps wanders an empty house in order to settle a dead client’s affairs, haunted by chilling silence and suspense, as well as a ghostly woman in black who means certain death to the townsfolk who believe the legends. Spooky stuff.

Child’s Play is a must-see, and, unlike its comedic sequels, is sure to scare you and all gathered. The movie features the infamous Chucky, a seemingly normal doll possessed by a dead serial killer. Naturally, this leads to a horrifying night to the family of Chucky’s owner, Andy. Hammer to the face, anyone?

Though not Jaws-tier, The Reef also features a great white shark, in this case terrorizing a group of friends after their boat capsizes over the Great Barrier reef. Not really how I’d want to spend my summer, but, hey, it’s their business.