The Day in the Life of a Water Polo Player

Evan Ogren (left) and Garrin Barna (right)

Jacey Beery, Reporter

After an abnormal year, Esperanza Men’s Water Polo is back in full force for their fall season. The intense schedule of 5:45 AM practices and multiple games a week keeps them working hard from September to October. Senior goalie Garrin Barna explains, “I wake up at 5:15, get my stuff together, and head to practice.” The players begin their early morning with a weight room session, and then a long swim set to help them develop the endurance they’ll need to play. To avoid, “throwing up,” as Garrin puts it, they have to plan their eating around their tight schedule. Many of the boys get donuts after their practices or bring a snack from home to eat on the deck before class. The team disperses for the day and goes to their classes. “It can get pretty difficult to stay awake by the end of the week,” says senior Evan Ogren. He explains that a whole week of waking up before the sun can get tiring quickly. The players eat as much as they can throughout the day in order to have enough energy for their 2-4 PM practice after school. During this practice, they actually play the game and practice their technique. Some of the boys then go to work, but the majority of them go home at 4 to start their homework. They eat a big dinner, do their homework, and go to sleep, ready to do it all over again the next day. Esperanza will be playing Canyon on Tuesday, October 19, in hopes of making it to CIF, and finishing their season strong.