Nora Naguib’s Holiday Tradition

Anna Manthei, Editor

Nora Naguib, a Senior at Esperanza, has a unique holiday tradition that she shares with her family. Every Thanksgiving her dad makes a slideshow to recap everything they did over the past year that she and her family watch while eating dessert. Her “dad is very family oriented,” so being able to “reminisce about everything that has happened,” together is important to them. This tradition is one that Nora recalls doing years ago, and she says “It’s kind of always been a thing.” They frequently look back at old videos of the tradition to remember years in the past and see all that has changed and happened. Nora loves “looking back on old memories” because she’s “thankful for” her family, so being able to “get a recap of that every single year,” is something that is very meaningful to her and serves as a reminder to be thankful for the opportunities she’s had throughout the year. Thanksgiving is a time for togetherness, and being together with family while remembering the past year is a great way to connect and be thankful. This fall, consider what traditions are important to you and take some time to reflect on the past year!