Who Will Be Prom Royalty?
April 28, 2023
Emma VaNes
We asked our prom court the following 15 questions, and these are the answers they gave us:
- Who are you going to prom with?
- How many people are going in your prom group?
- What are you guys doing for dinner before the dance?
- From getting dressed up, pictures, dinner, the drive, and the actual dance, what is your favorite part of the prom day? Why?
- Describe your prom outfit, how are you going to rock it?
- What did you enjoy most about last year’s prom?
- Excluding yourself, who do you want to win prom king and queen and why?
- If you win prom king or queen, what would be the quote or piece of worldly advice you would share with your fellow Aztecs?
- Name a few songs you hope the DJ plays.
- When you hit the dance floor, what is your signature “go-to” move that will get the dance floor shaking?
- What’s been your favorite senior memory so far?
- What’s been your favorite memory at EHS?
- With less than 34 days left of high school, what’s left to accomplish before you leave EHS?
- If you could go back and change one thing in high school, what would it be?
- Finally, what advice would you give to the Juniors on deck to be Seniors?
Audrey Almeida
- I am going to prom with my friends
- 13
- Going to someone’s house
- My favorite part of prom day is the actual dance. I love getting to dance and listen to music with my friends!
- I am wearing a black mermaid-style dress with a lace top. I am going to wear silver heels and some sparkly earrings
- I enjoyed the drive to prom last year the most. I had a great time listening to music in the car with friends and getting ready for a fun night.
- I want Ireland to win queen and Jordan to win king. It would be so fun to see my friends win!
- Get involved in things that you are passionate about and truly love. You will enjoy life so much more if you are doing things that make you happy.
- Paper Rings (Taylor Swift), Hotel Room Service (Pitbull),
- Probably just jumping up and down with my hands in the air so I don’t trip over my dress.
- My favorite senior memory so far was winning Clash of the Classes. It felt like a long time coming and it was so exciting to see the class of 23 come out victorious.
- My favorite memory at EHS is the 2023 guest artist concert with Ta-Tynisa Wilson from the Broadway cast of Hamilton. It was such an amazing and unique experience to be able to work with someone who has achieved success in the industry that I am interested in. She is so talented and it was an honor to get to work and sing with her.
- I hope to make as many memories as possible with the people here. I am moving away for college so I want to make the most of the time I have with the wonderful people at Esperanza.
- I would have gone to homecoming my freshman year, who knew that covid would come and get rid of a year’s worth of dances?
- Don’t wait until the last minute for college applications! The deadlines will sneak up on you so leave more time than you think you need so that you can be confident in your work.
Madeline Kwok
- My boyfriend and friends
- Between 15 to 20
- Sushi
- I like getting ready with my friends before the dance and seeing all our friends dressed up
- I’m wearing a white dress with red heels and my hair is going to be partially braided
- Even though the music sucked last year, I was really glad I got to bring my teammate and best friend from Fountain Valley because that made it so much better just because of the person I was with.
- I want Emma to win prom queen because she is so sweet and the most wholesome person I know and I think she deserves it. As for boys, I hope Mac wins because we have been friends for a long time and he is also a really kind and genuine person.
- I would tell the juniors and lowerclassmen to enjoy their last years in high school because it really does come and go. Don’t take the people surrounding you for granted because soon they won’t be with you every day.
- No Hands- Waka Flocka Flame and Roscoe, White Girl – Shy Glizzy
Ireland Mercado
- Alex Garay and a group of friends.
- Including myself, five.
- I have no idea, but I know we’ll be in Gardenwalk.
- Either getting ready or the actual dance.
- I’ll be wearing a long sequin blue mermaid dress.
- Karaoke with my friends.
- Either Audrey or Alaina for the queen and Kai for the king because they’re all close friends of mine.
- Stay humble; don’t let things get to your head.
- Dancing Queen by ABBA and Anything by Taylor Swift.
- I’ll be spinning my friends around as we dance.
- Seeing Aly August win homecoming queen.
- Going to school dances.
- I want to leave making an impact. I want to be a role model to people.
- I would’ve worked harder during our time online.
- Don’t get lazy, senioritis is a real thing.
Alaina Cabalu
- I am going to Stag because my significant other is ditching me for his grandfather’s birthday.
- I am going with three to four people and the group will probably expand later in the dance.
- We are honestly probably going to Mcdonald’s for dinner before the dance.
- Being in the mosh pit is my favorite part because I like the adrenaline of it and not worrying about being all pretty but just being in the moment.
- It is a baby pink dress with a big bow on the back.
- I enjoyed the view of the venue. I got to watch the sunset and wasn’t just looking at the city but the entire view.
- I want Ireland Mercado to win prom queen because she honestly deserves it and Kai to win prom king because he looks good in a crown.
- “I did this all for Raquelle” – Barbie’s life in the dreamhouse
- I Wanna Be Yours by Arctic Monkeys, Sweater Weather by The Neighbourhood, and Animal by Neon Trees.
- My signature move is Fortnite dances but specifically the floss.
- My favorite senior memory so far is writing my essays and managing to get a good score on them.
- It is hard to remember most of high school because of all the time spent on Zoom during covid but someone farting on Zoom was one of my favorites.
- I want to actually maintain straight A’s because I haven’t had straight A’s since middle school.
- I would actually go out and just ask my mom for forgiveness later.
- Be ready to know what colleges you want to commit to because the deadlines fly by while everyone is nagging you.
Nora Naguib- Estefanous
- My friends
- 14 people
- We are going to Reunion
- My favorite part of the day is the dance. I’m excited to break it down on the dance floor.
- It is a long black and fitted dress with, cinched waist with gold accents and gems down the side. With gold heels and on the wedge are gems.
- At last year’s prom, I enjoyed the Karaoke station outside of the dance and hearing everyone singing and having fun.
- I would want Ethan Bigani and Audrey Almeida. Etha is well rounded and I got to know him better from the class rap this year. Audrey is also well-rounded, and super kind, and she is extremely productive being a part of ASB.
- Don’t take things too seriously!
- Gas Pedal, Princess Dianna, Come get her and Say hey (I love you)
- Booty pop
- Doing the class rap with my classmates.
- Starting @AztecsonFilm
- I want to reach out of my comfort zone and meet new people around campus. I also want to build stronger connections with my teachers.
- If I would stress less about my classes because my grades don’t define me in any shape or form.
- Get involved in activities based on your major because it will show colleges your passion for what you want to do!
Emma VanEs
- I am going to prom with my boyfriend Bradley. He goes to El Dorado High School.
- Just my boyfriend and I.
- We are going to Reunion. Their poke bowl is so good as well as their butter cake.
- I love getting dressed up the most. It’s always so fun getting ready and doing your hair and makeup and seeing your outfit all come together. And the excitement of getting ready to go to prom.
- My dress this year is exactly what I was picturing in my mind. It’s red and different from what I would normally go for. My boyfriend is going to wear a red tie and was going to get some fun red sunglasses.
- I enjoyed dancing the most with random people I had never even talked to before. Everyone is always just so hyped and it puts everyone in a great mood.
- I want Nora and Ian to win! Nora is one of the sweetest people I have ever met and she’s so down to Earth I love her! And Ian is so understanding and such a solid friend, I know he always has my back. Plus he was my favorite (and only) senior on the boy’s water polo team.
- Honestly, life is short so party hard! It’s really important for me to relax sometimes and just go with the flow and you can’t be stressed when you’re partying at prom.
- Hotel room service – pitbull, just wanna rock – lil uzi, gas pedal – Sage the Gemini, Caroline – amine
- It just depends on the song usually, I wouldn’t say I have a go-to move.
- Laughing so hard all the time in my government and economics classes because the people there are so funny.
- Joining water polo and making so many new friends.
- Just take in as much time as I can with the people I enjoy at Esperanza.
- To try to branch out more and make more friends.
- Take care of yourself and put yourself first! You’re getting older and more mature and sometimes people won’t mature with you but that’s okay.