Michael Toyos, Arts & Entertainment Editor

Since the beginning of the digital age, information and news have made it incredibly easy to get to a consumer. Because of this, a new type of media has sprouted. A type of media that seeks to entertain more than spread news but will still attempt to report actual news like a real news network and expect to be taken seriously.
Buzzfeed is probably one of the biggest offenders. Its content consists mostly of lists and incredibly politically correct articles and videos that turn out to be cringier than what was probably intended. They release lists like “The 15 Hardest “Would You Rather” Questions” (which are more stupid than difficult), and “20 Things That Will Make You Say NOOOOOOO.” That last list mention is literally just 20 old internet gifs of things going wrong with the caption of “NO!”. Each gif gif adds more o’s (the last one has 58).
Buzzfeed also attempts to be a real news network but every attempt has failed.

Whenever they try to break through they are always too opinionated to be real news. It comes off like more of a blog post than an actual news article.
I do believe change is a good thing, but if this is the way new digital media is going I would rather not be a part of it.