Solar Powered Device Turns Saltwater Into Drinking Water

More stories from Ally Dahncke

In the biannual 2016 Land Art Generator Initiative (LAGI) competition, a desalination device was submitted.

“One finalist in this year’s competition has been making a tubular sculpture-cum-power plant floating off the 107-year-old Santa Monica Pier that would harness the power of the sun to produce an annual 1.5 billion gallons of clean drinking water via electromagnetic desalination. In total, the offshore installation, dubbed ‘The Pipe,’ would generate 10,000 megawatt-hours of solar power per year,” stated in

The solar powered desalination device was submitted by a Vancouver, British Columbia-based consultancy called the Khalili Engineers, according to

“Unlike the San Diego plant, which uses reverse osmosis to blast seawater through filters with microscopic holes, the new design, called ‘The Pipe,’ says it would use a magnetic field to pull salt out of water” (

“The Pipe” would send about 4.5 billion liters of water to Los Angeles and would also have salt swimming pools inside, as stated in
“Though it’s just a concept now, the Land Art Generator Initiative plans to work with cities around the world to pursue implementing some of the most practical ideas,” stated