Is November Too Early to Start Celebrating Christmas?
November 19, 2021
Every year once the Halloween season is over, people find themselves debating over one question: is November too early to start celebrating Christmas? Some people would say that yes, it is too early to begin the celebration in November, especially considering that Thanksgiving comes first. Others would say that it is never too early to get into the holiday spirit and that Thanksgiving does not need as much attention. After asking this question to a handful of Esperanza students, I’ve found that the responses were quite one-sided, and some are very passionate about their position on the topic.
One side of the argument is propelled by the fact that if the people celebrate the holiday in November, “then people look over Thanksgiving” says junior Emma Ampudia. “You miss out on a whole other holiday and by the time Christmas comes around, you’re over it”. Many people share her point of view and believe that celebrating Christmas before Thanksgiving even happens defeats the whole purpose of even celebrating the holiday.
On the other side of the argument, people like senior Lyric Wilder have no trouble beginning their holiday celebrations this early. Lyric “celebrate[s] Christmas in July”, so it is never too early for her holiday season to begin. Similar to Lyric’s view, senior Laurana Tetzlaff agrees that “November is not too early to celebrate Christmas”, but she and her family need to make sure that the celebration begins “after Thanksgiving is celebrated”. Along with waiting for Thanksgiving to pass before celebrating, Laurana and her family “have a tradition of Christmas decorating on Black Friday instead of shopping”. Senior Hazel Hagen agrees with both Lyric and Laurana, and gave the simplest of answers; “No”.
No matter when you choose to begin your holiday festivities, make sure you spend time with friends and family this holiday season if you can. This can be a lonely time of year for some, so if you can, make sure you are able to spend some time with those that you love, and have a wonderful holiday season!