We the People, in Order to Form a More Perfect Paper

As we grow further steeped into the events of 2016, we are faced with a variety of differences from past years. Blatant social uprisings and other civil semi-unrests have resulted from movements, such as the Black Lives Matter movement, and now we are faced with an election year that many fear will lead our country down a path from which it may not be able to return.

For the press, this is a gold mine.  For one thing, it ensures that we are unlikely to “run out” of news, however these are touchy subjects for readers and writers alike.  With this in mind, there may be situations in which certain readers disagree, dispute or take offense to certain topics.

California Education Code 48907 protects and observes the right of any public, student-run newspaper, as an open forum, to report and publish on any topics of its choosing.  Unless an article is explicitly offensive and inappropriate, this law protects the newspaper from any legal opposition based on difference of opinions.  

All articles are written with the intention of being beneficial and entertaining to the public and it is never our goal to deliberately attack any readers. All articles are written carefully to remain within the restrictions of the Education Code and all editors analyze the articles to ensure no freedoms are abused.

As editors, we would love to hear the opinions of our readers.  Letters to the editors are not only accepted, but encouraged, though they must follow specific guidelines. The letter must be signed, it should be 75-150 words and it must come from a member of the community.  The letters are also subject to editing for length, libel, obscenity and grammar.

With these comments in mind, we hope the readers enjoy and appreciate the changes and additions made to The Aztlán and we look forward to a great year!