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The Pulse of Esperanza High School

The Aztlán

The Pulse of Esperanza High School

The Aztlán

The Pulse of Esperanza High School

The Aztlán

Precious Romo

Precious Romo, Cartoon Editor

“Journalists should be watchdogs, not lapdogs.” -Newton Lee

Currently, this is Precious Romo’s second year working as a cartoonist for The Aztlán. Having grown up reading the newspaper (at first the comic strips and as she became older the rest of the paper), Precious has a foundation of love and appreciation for the medium. This passion for comics and journalism drives her to create cartoons that not only look appealing, but also invite readers to become invested in the provocative topics within The Aztlán. With every cartoon Precious desires to become a better cartoonist and a better journalist.

All content by Precious Romo

[Photo] Punitive Graduation

Noah Clay, Opinions Editor
May 11, 2017

Artist of the Issue: Ethan Moll

Precious Romo, Cartoon Editor
March 30, 2017
Healthiness: A Trend?

[Photo] Healthiness: The Latest Trend?

Noah Clay, Opinions Editor
March 29, 2017
Michael Toyos reflects on the president-elect, Donald J. Trump.

[Photo] The Possible Repercussions of a Trump Presidency

Michael Toyos, Arts and Entertainment Editor
November 17, 2016

[Photo] Why is Disney so White?

Noah Clay, Opinions Editor
October 29, 2016
The Aztlan staff members, Brynn Radak and Precious Romo argue for Kaepernick's Constitutional right.

[Photo] To Stand or to Not to Stand?

Brynn Radak, Features Editor
September 18, 2016
Fall sports begin their season.

[Photo] Fall Sports Season Is a Go

Sedona Sinclair, Sports Editor
September 18, 2016
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