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The Pulse of Esperanza High School

The Aztlán

The Pulse of Esperanza High School

The Aztlán

The Pulse of Esperanza High School

The Aztlán

Anna Manthei

Anna Manthei, Editor in Chief

Anna Manthei is a senior and second-year editor for the Aztlán Newspaper. She is the president of the Climate Crew club, as well as a violist in the Esperanza Sinfonia Orchestra. She writes creatively in her free time, is an avid reader of fantasy novels and fiction, and also enjoys participating in Renaissance Faires in her free time. You can always find Anna at the local Starbucks during the week, working on homework and writing new articles for the newspaper. After high school, Anna plans on attending Cal State Long Beach as an English major and studying abroad in Australia. As an editor for the Aztlan, she looks forward to helping grow and improve the newspaper as well as highlighting teachers, clubs, and the music programs on campus that are often underappreciated. Anna can’t wait to work with everyone this year and help keep the campus informed!

All content by Anna Manthei